torsdag 29 april 2010
Darn y'all!

A lot like art - beauty and pain.

måndag 26 april 2010

söndag 25 april 2010

Having had a slow blogging week I hope/plan to pick up the pace. Here's another illustration by Ludvig on the interior. It's going to be a kool cheesy bling bling kinda vibe to the interior. Or so are the plans at the moment anyways.
I'm on the home strech with the Pan chopper and hopefully my sweet wife will let me spend a few hours in the garage tonight. And if so I'll take some pictures and post.
And by the way, Rickard, Sibba and the guys att the coolest garage this side of the mississippi - thanks for a great friday night. Great bikes, great interior, great beer fridge!
tisdag 20 april 2010

Mind you - this is not an art project or an "art-rod". It's a real bonafide Hot Rod with the right parts, built the right way with the right look and feel. The difference is that we'll use a material for some parts that really hasn't been used that much. And them parts will be designed and made by Ludvig and his trusted crew att the Åfors glass-shop. And to see that we're in the right school rod-wise we got that bearded metal artist known around the world as Le Beef.
måndag 19 april 2010
fredag 16 april 2010
torsdag 15 april 2010
onsdag 14 april 2010
The Black Keys put the feeling I get from real rides and bikes into music... Thickfreakness for your enjoyment. Buy Black Keys albums and support their good deed of keeping it real in a music industry thats turning to enter-freakin-tainment only. They've got a new one coming out i may. Brothers I think it's named

I've changed it around a bit with a twisted springer wire wheels and a double SU set up. Should be ready in a week or two.
tisdag 13 april 2010

To conclude my first day as a blogger thought I'd leave y'all with an image of the "early days". In other word about 6 months ago.
It's a 28 A Ford Pickup and you see six Strombergs ontop of the rubber motor mock-up. Them two tired tyres alter ego a 348 that is of for som TLC by the twins and Thom. G'nite folks!
So stay tuned - or more like - why dontcha drop by once in a while.
Also dont miss to visit our friend and fabrication partner Mattias at LeBeef Kustom metalworks. It's his craft and genious you'll see realizing Ludvigs and my vision of the rod to be.

A first entry of many to come, hopefully. I'm going to make sure that I take my time in getting started so I get it right. It's serious business being unserious. It takes some effort to have fun and to try to do shit that really doesn't matter to most people. Like getting all emotional and happy to see the image above. Sent by Mattias LeBeef last friday night. I was sitting at dinner with two good friends and they were discussing cars. Nice cars mind you - ferraris and astons - but the dont realy jank my chain (or what they say). This does however and I'll post more as the puzzle is completed.
I'll probably post rides and bikes and junk related. Stuff we like alot - hence Megustomuch. Yes I know it should be Megusta - much but I dont give a ratsass! It don't sound right! And in a way it's mostly about selfsatisfaction, since we won't do it if we dont like it.
Also I'll probably post stuff relating to eating and drinking and having a good time. I'll probably be all mushy and daddylike and show some pics of my kids and family. Hats of to Jeremiah at Love Cycles for doing that. Since family is theee thaaang. Metal shit comes right after that, but never before!
But first and foremost I'll post stuff about the making of the koolest and kraziest (...me and Ludvig think...) AFord pickup rod in a long time. By the way I'll present me and Ludvig sooner than later...
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