And maybe a camera and photographer of better quality...
torsdag 30 september 2010
Almost done!
onsdag 29 september 2010
Thanks CD!
But if you dont like Bacon CD, please let me know and I'l scramble to remove'em from this pan of a blog...
tisdag 28 september 2010
So red hot and sweet!
söndag 26 september 2010
lördag 25 september 2010
tisdag 21 september 2010
Look what I found...
By the way , we've convinced him to do alot of stuff through the years. Like when we convinced him to apply to fighter pilot school in the swedish airforce. He made it galantly through all the extremely difficult tests but when the Airforce shrink asked him why he so wanted to be a pilot he kinda answered that he didn't so want to be a pilot... So now he's not...
Once Freudo also convinced him to try his homemade parachute - from an old sail... But that's another story.
söndag 19 september 2010
fredag 17 september 2010
If you see this jewel sound the ALARM!!!

And if you se anything like it on the road, in the classifieds or anywhere get in contact with:
I dont know the guy but I understand he's spent an enormous amount of time and money in restoring this beauty. And just when he was finished some rat-motherfu-er swiped it.
torsdag 16 september 2010
There she is again...
If you are, whoever you might be, interested to aquier a Bobbs n' Bobbers exclusive calendar featuring the original Katy mail me and I'll see what can be done. See, I know the Calendar witch doctor himself...
måndag 13 september 2010
The Yellow fever...
This fine (is going to be fine, rather) ride is going up on the table for some work this winter. It's been in pieces since I traded it more than a decade ago for a XA (repop) springer front end with a 21" from a quite active and intense goldsmith in town. Cool guy but intense... Originally it was a Honda 500 in it, but that's to fast and furious and sound to much like a bee to be bearable for me and Freudo. So we kinda looked the other way and figured that a 45" stroked up to a 54" (thinks thats about 900cc) with a Norton gearbox and a fire extinguisher oilbag could be mellow and peaceful. So now we need to get to work and who knows if it will end up yellow.
And yeah, the 99 1/2 means that Freudos and mine little bidnizz is almost all good and just a little bad. Not gangster bad though, cause that we're not. Just bad - like fu-ng up every now and again. Which makes me think it should be more than just a half percent - much more actually...
söndag 12 september 2010
lördag 11 september 2010
For sale - Front head Knuckle
fredag 10 september 2010
No... I won't do it...
So heads up and stay tuned (crap... just cant help myself, I'm from Göteborg...)

Anyways Robert Williams got the style. In every way! And since Peter Longhair constantly gives me greif about my choice of trousers - they're to green or to plaid or striped or golf or whatnot. Take a look att mr Williams choice of fashion! Pinstripe is the new black leathers!
Probably the koolest image in the whole freakin' bike bidniss! Take every swatstika, skull, flame, fist, tatoo and they cant't hold a candle to this look!
torsdag 9 september 2010
FLTT is on N's mind I understand
I shoulda... now I woulda...
But I'm going to have a KR one day (or a KR lookalike KH) The nice Yoshi of Garagercompany even gave me a quote on one about a half year ago (and it wasn't 5 grand...) but still a reasonable price for the good work they do! Respect! I hope I'll have the honor of being a customer soon...
onsdag 8 september 2010
one of many...

måndag 6 september 2010
Back home after a sunday ride
Someday my kids all are going to be riding beside me and the missus going down the road!
söndag 5 september 2010
Great blog y'all!
torsdag 2 september 2010
Darn nice chop

Front ends are important since they the front... and front impressions last, you know. Well gotto stop, need to check out the Freddy Hernandez site- Gotz diggers on my mind!
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