... that comes with the super manly biker stylee of life, at least according to our little crew Sidfläsk MC, is good food, good drinkin' and the odd metal parts. But most of all having fun along friends that like stuff like that. If you know and like your meat - you can pretty much taste them steaks I bet... let me tell you, they were even better. A young swedish steer, hung for 14 days then vacced and youwsaa... sizzzzzzzle....
fredag 30 december 2011
Some of the good stuff...
... that comes with the super manly biker stylee of life, at least according to our little crew Sidfläsk MC, is good food, good drinkin' and the odd metal parts. But most of all having fun along friends that like stuff like that. If you know and like your meat - you can pretty much taste them steaks I bet... let me tell you, they were even better. A young swedish steer, hung for 14 days then vacced and youwsaa... sizzzzzzzle....
New stuff from the best of the best
Rockin into the new year with Less is More ringin' in my head... Dang they do it well!
torsdag 29 december 2011
onsdag 28 december 2011
found a cd full of good memorys
From our yearly run to our friends at Strul MC in Enköping, In august in 2010 as for the last 12-13 years we gather to our semi-religious feast at Enköping for the Mälaren Runt Run. It's a great weekend of bikes, booze and brotherhood. Not to mention the bar-b-que, the music, the unexspected incidents and plain old roadside fun.
I'll sure post a series of great snaps-shotts. World champion nudity, serious competition, world class bikes and general scenery is to be anticipated. As well as Mr Chopper himself... And Corners bad ass bandit knuckle...
Stay tuned!
Getting ready för the bike show
Fredrik, my brother, tore down his knuckle to re-build in a more sellable format. The day after they called from a Motorcycle magazine and asked if they could have the bike in their exhibition at the upcoming big motorcycle show here in town. So he rebuilt it and put some raked out cups in the steering head (is that the english word?) and put my old mufflers on the pipes. And now it's back to normal. Brutal and charming at the same time...
It's one of the kooolest bikes I've ever ridden. You totally integrate with the bike when sit in it. And all your right hand wants to do is to turn it full throttle. I wanna go riding!
tisdag 27 december 2011
New year a comin'
And today even some sun appears on the otherwise so grey and dull Göteborg skys. And I'm alone at work thinking of a brand new 2012 and all the great stuff that can happen. One of theses things is of course in the middle of june when the Jokers show takes place in Tidaholm. This year we didnt make it but next year we'll be there for sure. I'll take the buss if I wont make it on time with any of the bike projects. But it usually works out. Maybe not the way I'm planning now - they always turn out better in my head, than in reality... Lack of time and skills... But something is going to roll... preferably something of the flathead persuation.
måndag 26 december 2011
Santa Claus on Rudolph the...

... kinda red knuckle chop. Stole this from the Dutchmans excellent and amazing photo blogg. I'll take it of the blogg in a jiffy if I get the word.
Peter's got one of the neatest Knucklechoppers I've seen and I hope we'll get aroud to run around when spring and dry roads comes around. Untill then I hope we'll get around to a garage party at Fältspatsgatan just as the past few years.
lördag 24 december 2011
Christmas presents!
Went in to Bertil to get som lock rings (might not be the right translation) for piston pins and I got these. Lock rings and complementary oversize US Ordnance pins. And foremost neat packaging from the day when the factory was the factory. Seems like there are still huge stockpiles of these from the war so it's cheaper to send the pins with the rings.
And little surprises like that makes my day.
Merry Christmans all!
fredag 23 december 2011
A ways to go...
The flattie might not end up like this, but I've got a thing about the gas tank... It's a Hap Jones so its got some pedigree... But I've got a Hummer tank at Nickes and I've got a hangup on them ones too... And a chromed up VL springer is real sweet, but a clean shaved 33.4 could do the trick too... The Honda drum on a 21" is sweet, but so is my 23" . And I havent even started to ponder about the chromed up frame and the chop springer... Jeeeez... I need someone to tell me what to freakin' do...
But one good thing is that the Duo is going to be pretty much like stock. Except I'm thinking of a 60's kinda paintjob...and maybe...
torsdag 22 december 2011
With the Knuck maybe going to France...
... I'm thinking about one of my favourite bikes. But in my mind the pan is a flattie mill in there. 18's do alot. As, of course, all the perfection does that this bike is gifted with.
And I really need to git crackin on a bike if I'm going to be riding any when the time comes. The Duo is on the lift... and the flattie is almost started. But then again a chop is always neat and now the shaman with the rigid hips is on the path of the chop that might be the religion of 2012. But a swingarm jap kinda vibe is also .. And I ...
Good thing it's still just 2011
tisdag 25 oktober 2011
mr leis reis nukl
torsdag 13 oktober 2011
What a dope!

This guy wants to be the boss of Sweden. He wants your trust and admiration. He wants to get elected come next elections. In the mean time he figures he can cheat and lie a little with and about the tax payers money and how he uses them...
His likness with Super mario ends when you cant turn him off.
All these dishonest pretentious farts with their hands in the cookie jar... sad...
onsdag 12 oktober 2011
torsdag 6 oktober 2011
Knuckle chop for sale
söndag 2 oktober 2011
Kooolest Guzzi ever
fredag 30 september 2011
torsdag 29 september 2011
2 signs in one day...
onsdag 28 september 2011
Good n' tired
tisdag 27 september 2011
The best car was a... boat!
It surely was. Except for our Hot Rod of course - the Juxtapod, was a this magnificent Chris Craft speedboat that was totally breathtaking. It reeked som much gottahave it almost drove me crazy. Unfortounately it was on a trailer so it wasn't that easy to check it out thoroughly.
So the boat won in many aspects... strange huh...
måndag 26 september 2011
Rough Superior at Petrol Circus in Helsinki.
söndag 18 september 2011
Burke Shelley - no need to say more...
Some shit was better way back wgen, ... well, most shit acctually come to think of it...
fredag 16 september 2011
Made me speechless and yearning for the fjords.
What becomes of the long legged springers?
In the hands of grand master Stekarn and the rigid hip viper? Well found this on Stekarns blogg, which is equal parts hilarious and geniuos. Which is acctually exactly the same for the rigid hip vipers spaced out digital diary.
These guys could run one of the...
...biggest countries in the world, with the most guns and destructive power on the planet.t. Think about it! There is reason to be seriously worried.
onsdag 14 september 2011
...at least according to Axel and his friends. And a bit more than that if I judge by the sound of it. Makes me real happy even though at present we have the remnants of a tropical storm over us making it windy, rainy an crappy. For the first time in Sweden it even ha a name - Katia... But in between the storm showers they're at it f'sure.
tisdag 13 september 2011
That groovy eighties vibe
måndag 5 september 2011
Any day now...
...and hopefully before snow falls! But it's going to be a pretty nice ramp and if I get my way we'll add som vertical in the spring. Axel didn't want this to begin with. And after putting in the hours on this I'm kainda happy. It was alot more work than I reconned. But that's usually the case with me...
It's been a handful to get it stable and stright into the ground since it's uneven as crap and soggy. But it seems to be alright now and now I just need to get teh plywood on and then I think I might find some paint that will make it more resisitant to water and moisture... Wich we're looing towards in heeps. Sweden is not California f'sure...
torsdag 1 september 2011
tisdag 30 augusti 2011
måndag 29 augusti 2011
söndag 28 augusti 2011
The right breather valve ...
...is essential for a well functioning oil system and thus a dry motor and more specifically dry heads. Ask me I know. It however had the good effect that I have been through basically all possible causes of flowing and dripping oil before I realized that a late pan breather just dont cut it on a knuckle...or more to the point - that it was one of those mounted in the crankcase...
But now the knuck ran great during last weekends 1000 km trip as well as to and from work this last week.
My son needs a ramp...
But seeing Axel nailing a 180 kick-flip today makes it more than worth the while. Just wish I was like 20 years younger...
måndag 22 augusti 2011
Going to Enköping...
This year a rainy shitty saturday put a damper on riding the Run. We only managed a wet run over to Strängnäs and soe short runs around town. I got to try a modern kinda bike which was fun a 2004 Buell Lightning Bolt (I think). A bit scary in the rain with brakes that actually work... real good.
But things dried up toward the evening and Sidfläsk once again stood victorious in the Strul-stafetten! Second year and this year without our world champ Stellan.
We're looking for a hird consecutive win next year. Go Sidfläsk go!
We made it!
All in all a great weekend on a sweet bike with good friends. I'll post some more from the trip soon.
By the way, the bike is for sale since I'm not really a OHV kinda guy, more of the SV persuation. And I need to get crackin' on it.
It's a 39EL in a bentleg frame. A RL rear leg with a 1"post and a repo front leg. The motor is renovated and runs good as well as the gearcase which is newly renovated. 81 and 21" . Chain primary etc etc...
mail me if you want more info and price. johan@thesunnysideup
onsdag 10 augusti 2011
It kinda feels like this right now... dont it?

But it's still frekkin' fun if you got big ears!
måndag 11 juli 2011
Fücker Chopper Fest coming up...
torsdag 7 juli 2011
G's Works Out Party - at Sidfläsk MC Northside

Me and Janne flipped burgers and charred corn-on-the-cob with the help of your ordinary garage tools. We must have gone through more than 20 lbs. of burgers.
And by the way: hats off to Janne S! who helped us from chaos in preparing for this little shin-dig!
onsdag 6 juli 2011
Shit that wakes you up in the middlle of the night...
fredag 1 juli 2011
tisdag 28 juni 2011
Friends of G and Sidfläsk - rally up come friday!
onsdag 22 juni 2011
My bro!

Anyway he's the kindest, coolest and funniest (and talkative) guy you could ever have the fortune to know! Cheers G!
Great picture by Christer Hedberg!
måndag 20 juni 2011
Makes me wanna get my act together...
And certainly not enough action on this blog. But I'll try to shape up, if anybody cares ... And if not I dont give a flyin' f anyway I guess.
Axel though, wants me to start getting the yellow chop ready. And whith him sitting on it I surley feel like gettin crackin.
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