tisdag 25 oktober 2011

mr leis reis nukl

Cryptic and enigmatic this mill taunts and provokes human emotion of the possesive persuation. But it's the man with the mustache thats gots it...

torsdag 13 oktober 2011

What a dope!

This guy wants to be the boss of Sweden. He wants your trust and admiration. He wants to get elected come next elections. In the mean time he figures he can cheat and lie a little with and about the tax payers money and how he uses them...

His likness with Super mario ends when you cant turn him off.

All these dishonest pretentious farts with their hands in the cookie jar... sad...

onsdag 12 oktober 2011

torsdag 6 oktober 2011

Knuckle chop for sale

A nice ride ready to roll. 39EL. Motor and tranny renovated - about 1000 km on it.
price 160 000 SEK which is roughly 16 000 € I guess.
Mail me for more info if this smoothie is in your taste and the loot in your pockets is itchin'

Got to get my flattie shit together, therfore OHV's gotta go!

söndag 2 oktober 2011

Kooolest Guzzi ever

Built by Adam Nestor. An amazing bloke in his early twenties (I think). Imagine what he will put out in the years to come. This bike is so tastefull, classy and inspiring it's incredible. And still it's a total motorcycle in every aspect - not a showcase/showoff...