torsdag 29 mars 2012

Fly fishing for a change...

This clip is of my good friend and former business partner Claes Johansson. He's the inventor of a totally new and amazing way of tying super realistic and undestructable top shelf fishing flies. It's in swedish though. But if you're into fishing and dont command the swedish language check out his site:

Claes rules and his ingenuity, conviction and quality is in a class of it's own...

torsdag 22 mars 2012

Sebban nailed it...

The Tyrolit bike looks like it was a 1921 Royal Enfiled...Might be another year close by 21. This one is however according to the info a 1000 cc 1921.

It must have been fantastic to cruise the alp roads around beautiful Wattens in Austria on a beaytifuk piece of machinery like it. Stright back, a firm grip with a big smile on your face!

onsdag 21 mars 2012

Austrian cutting disc history and then some...

Just got a bunch of historic pics. from our esteemed client Tyrolit - maker of the worlds best tools for cutting, grinding and drilling. And behold - I find this fantastic image of a 20's Motorcycle in the storage room of Tyrolit cutting discs - probably it's 1928 according to info in the pic.. I cant see what make or model. Fenders, brakes and details make me think it's not an american made bike. But it looks like a V twin... Anybody got a clue! All I can say is that life is full of pleasant surprises...

Thanks Robert and Michael!

tisdag 20 mars 2012

A piece of Swedish Chopper history!

A solid Flathead chopper built by a Sofia Hogs member late 60's, fresh paint early 70's. A Volvo SU rebuilt in classic fashion by legendary Dollar Sullivan. And from there on only pedigree chopper names have manipulated the various parts to create this object of pure art that is now kept and treasured by Anders aka Cheese wedge - sitting proudly on it!

This bike made my day!

Thanks Anders of Bobbers MC

black is the new black and with a 23" up front...

it's remarkably fresh and funky!

Borrowed this image and cant remember where, but all cred to owner/builder/picture taker/whoever and all!

Thanks to Loefstroem I nowknow that it is built by Caleb Owens at magnificent Cro-Customs! Awesome!

måndag 19 mars 2012

Time flies by so fast

Tage is growing up fast and thats just the way it is. Fun, but somtimes a little sad. A flattie chop on the other hand can kinda be recreated. And hopefully I'll get around to just that real soon... Ther is just no substitute for the smooth sidevalve sound and ride.

torsdag 15 mars 2012

6 years ago

Fred and Mathias, my two brothers, on the ferry at Slagsta during Mälaren Runt. Fred smokin' a ciiigahh. Matt just chillin in the sun. Fred running his sweet 45 and Mathias his 41 EL. As I remember it was a great weekend with all the extras you can order. And then some...

onsdag 14 mars 2012

I'm down wid OPP

OPP in the sense that I dont have to much of own acticity to share at the moment (a moment that has lasted like 8 f-n months...) so as not to wither (seasons of Wither.. great tune..) away I'll just rip of other peoples great work to showcase on this excuse of a blogg. But in a way it's what it's meant for. I called it Megustomuch just to show stuff I like a whole lot (even though the spanish grammar/translation might say something else, I've learned)

Bla bla bla bal... get to the point already!

Well this kind of bike has been top-of-mind lately. And when its done so tastefully as this one I really start to get frustrated to get to work and do instead of think... and wish... and plan... and talk...

Well all respect to the builder.

lördag 10 mars 2012


Heard this tune on a video on the net. Classy! Sit down, chill, listen and chill s'more....

fredag 9 mars 2012

it's friday and I wanna go home...

I'm also sensing spring and the possibility of enjoying dry roads and the sweet scent of oil and gasoline.

fredag 2 mars 2012

now this is neat.

And now I need a slimmed sportster tank... and a...

kind sums it up...

But today I dont give a fu... about monday...ehh...