lördag 1 maj 2010

At least something...

... felt good today. A friend of mine messed up my day good. A bit hung over (only slightly) I open my mailbox and found a message from him that sucked big time. But I wont bore y'all with the details. Instead I'll show two bikes that make me feel good, or at least better. My brother Fredriks knuckle and my pan chop. Not perfect by a long shot, but good enough for us. Give us a week and we'll be fired up and running. Small stuff to do still (as I hope...).

As I'm writing this post my wife and kids are sitting right beside me watching TV and that makes me realize that alot more than these bikes make me feel good - real good. Even though that mail this morning really sucked...

2 kommentarer:

  1. That picture made me feel good to!! That's 2 bitching bikes u got there.

  2. Almost done and ready to rol, feel najs!... I never rode a chopper before so I'm kinda scared too...
