söndag 31 oktober 2010
lördag 30 oktober 2010
fredag 29 oktober 2010
A weekend feelin´to it
onsdag 27 oktober 2010
tisdag 26 oktober 2010
In awe...
måndag 25 oktober 2010
Repentful or just pissed of?

Just for the rercord - there is some controversy over the word repentful... the question is if it is a real word. I dont giva a hoot because I think remorseful isn't as biblical.
Would you buy a used motorcycle from this man?
Matte is a legendary Chopper righteous guy and totally great to meet and talk to. Which was the case at Hönö saturday night, when Pontus and all in the island-connection put on a great party. Thanks guys and come january we'll meet up at our place for the mid-winter barbeque!
onsdag 20 oktober 2010
Autumn blues turns into a winter quest
In no instances except Sibbans inspiration has anyone really given anything - gave just sounded better in the above paragraph. It has all been paid for in full. Except Sibbans gas cap... which is a real bad concience issue for me... And which color is the color of guilt?
In short - I'm starting to feel inspired and want to get to work!
måndag 18 oktober 2010
lo carb no fat and autumn blues
The nice brass choke part Benny Å made. I just bought it with the intention of running it on... well I dont give a flying...
Just kidding I do give a fudge and I think it's going on the Duoglide eventually or if I get another one it might make a fresh double trouble set up for the extra big flattie thats going in the rigid conversion Duo frame.
I've seen the light and it's Sibbans flattie chop! So we'll make it through the dark wet cold times ahead!
torsdag 14 oktober 2010
The Pike
Picture is from Mälaren Runt this summer right before we got drunk enough to start up alco-revving.
Bengans 45" Wilma in the background. Se purrs real sweet to. But Bengan is mature and doesnt believe in alco-revving.
onsdag 13 oktober 2010
spoke length?HelloooOOO!?

And probably find out that I'm basically alone in this little introvert part of the chopper blogosphere...
HelllloooOOO... is anybody outthERE????
torsdag 7 oktober 2010
Bastard WK
onsdag 6 oktober 2010
Up for sale - even though it hurts...
tisdag 5 oktober 2010

Man, that's a sweet ride. To the point and expressive as hell just because it's so dang simple. Ther's no stupid on whoever put this ride together - just tons of class and confidence!
This made my otherwise crappy evening real good.I'm at work trying to catch up on the workload. I should be home with my wife and kids or in the garage...
måndag 4 oktober 2010
Paul jr - Theif Designer!

Anyways I think I heard that the chopper related blogosphere rage caught little Paulie in the ear so ferociously he's deleted all images of him sportin' Falcon property.
Maybe him an dad senior are bustin up some doors, thrashin a pickup or two or just screamin their heads of in OCC rage.
But I dont give a fuck... or it might make some good TV!
lördag 2 oktober 2010
fredag 1 oktober 2010
FL 61-64

But, it makes me a bit worried that 65 and later they move back to single contact point breaker but with automatic advance... So should I deduct that the twin system wasn't really all that great...
Please help me out here guys! I'm struggling as it is...
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